Hello Fellow Aspiring Leader,
So this may sound perilously close to a rant…. but bear with me. The song for this post is most definitely 'I hate you so much right now' by Kelis
I like to think of myself as an aspiring leader, you know, walking the walk and talking the talk. When I first started college, as recommended by my advisor, I came up with a four-year plan. I figured if was going to be building an empire I had to think big picture and come up with checkpoints along the way. This list had to be flexible to allow me to seize new opportunities that presented themselves, challenging to keep it fun, but above all realistic. This is exactly what I did, and so far, it has been going very well… possibly even better than I imagined. But this not the focus of my post ...
What I wasn’t warned about ad instructed to prepare for as I worked up the ranks was that sometime or another I would have to work beneath poor leadership. Imagine that?! There are actually people that achieve leadership positions within clubs and organizations that are not very good leaders. People that let their ego get ahead of legacy and vision. People that operate in self-interest instead of the interest of the organization. People that do not play teambuilding games during the staff retreat! I really hate these people, plants hate these people, even kittens hate these people, because honestly... whats to like!?
Please enjoy the rest of this blog in the video below. Then take the survey to the right… the life you save may be your own.
Oh my God I agree with you, too many times I have been in a position where the person over me has poor leadership qualities. We learned about the different types of leaders in my Intro. to Sport Management class and my boss was the type who let people do whatever they wanted with no repercussions or guidance. Sadly, great leaders are few and far in between. :( One thing is for sure: for every great leader there are a million others who are just terrible. [SCREAMING] lol had to release my anger like you did at the end of your video.
ReplyDeleteJulissa, I definitely agree with you, your video remind me our conversation last week. I hate the leader who serve personal interests before those of group. It's just to have something put in her résumé. Remember, the student who do a strike and take a mic in front of an amphitheater of 1000 students. Do something, because we have extraordinary qualities to lead people and achieve beautiful things together, without never waiting for something in exchange...that is a real and natural leader.