Monday, March 22, 2010

Leadership is all about Attitude

Hello Fellow Leader,

--The soundtrack to todays post is 'keep your head up', Chaka Khan from Tyler Perry's Series--

Leadership is all about the attitude. I don't mean hip swiveling, twisted up lips and rolling eyes type of attitude either. I mean the your overall disposition toward your perceived life. Your attitude is something that is intensely personal, but often times its very public. 

Its like this - everyday may not be a good day, and that is all about you, but if you come into work angry and stomping your feet and slamming doors, it becomes about everyone else. So, if your aspiring to be a leader in your business, class, or organization don't underestimate yourself! You are a powerful person in that your attitude alone can make a meeting absolutely wonderful for all those in attendance or make it a pretty miserable experience for everyone-- including yourself. When it all comes down to it your attitude determines your altitude.
 Please enjoy my supplementary video below. 


  1. A philosophy that we have to follow, definitely! A subject which is importante in our lives especially as a students who are going to work and maybe have a certain leadership in our careers. But the point is, it is easier to say than do it...

  2. There are many people that have the qualities of a leader, yet if they do not accept and use those skills and try to avoid their responsibilities they won't get anywhere and instead of bringing out the good in others, they'll bring out the worst. Very insightful, straight to the point, and encouraging!
